Human Resources

Organizational Development

Business Development

Talent Acquisition


Talent Acquisition projects -- John Drexler

Filled 1,300+ requisitions to date.

Completed 10+ high-end retained searches awarded to my firm.

‘Saved’ several failing retained searches started by other search firms.

Served as first Talent Acquisition Manager at several start-ups, joint ventures, and new business units. Architected and implemented all hiring processes.

With one day’s notice, started a project and successfully sourced and hired 25 key corporate employees in one quarter for a Silicon Valley tech firm.

Assembled and managed numerous staffing teams of (up to 10) sourcers (including diversity sourcing specialists), contract recruiters, and coordinators, in order to scale clients’ aggressive hiring ramps.

Helped establish numerous Employee Referral and University Relations recruiting programs and events.

Coached hundreds of hiring managers to improve their workforce acquisition skills (including ‘data mining’ their professional and academic networks for leads, writing effective requisitions, conducting behavioral interviews, and building relationships with candidates that lead to accepted offers).

Very experienced (and successful) cold calling to source passive candidates.

Received awards and recognition from Apple, Cisco, and Sun for leading diversity and inclusion recruiting and community outreach initiatives.